
Ukens podcast; Lex Fridman Podcast with “Shark Tank” Mark Cuban

I ukens utvalgte podcast snakker Lex med Mark Cuban som både er forretningsmann, investor, stjerne i TV-serien Shark Tank, eier av Dallas Mavericks, og grunnlegger av Cost Plus Drugs.

Cuban har hatt stor suksess både som gründer og som investor. Han har en imponerende “track record” når det gjelder å identifisere lovende selskaper og investeringer. Her kan du få verdifull innsikt og lære av en av de beste om hvordan man kan lykkes som gründer.

The person who controls the algorithm controls the world, right? And if you are committed to one specific platform as your singular source of information or affiliated platforms, then whoever controls the algorithm or the programming there controls you.

– Mark Cuban

Noen av spørsmålene som bli belyst i denne podcasten:

  • You’ve started many businesses, invested in many businesses, heard a lot of pitches privately and on Shark Tank. So you’re the perfect person to ask what makes a great entrepreneur?
  • Did you have trouble with the hire fast, fire fast part of running a business?
  • What do you think that is about America that has so many people who have that dream and act on that dream of starting a business?
  • What stands out as a memorable business on you’ve been pitched on Shark Tank. What’s the best one that stands out on?
  • And how do you know if a company’s going to be acquired? So it’s the technology, like the patents, but also the team, is it?

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